

Pointers are quite dangerous, spawning vulnerabilities like buffer overflows.

Mechanism used to refer to memory addresses. Pointers encode the object's address and object's type.

Declaring a pointer

For example, to declare a pointer to a pointed-to type of int:

int* counter;

Address-of operator (&)

For any given variable, to get the memory address of that variable, use the address-of (&) operator

// declare and initialize a normal int variable
int counter{22};
printf("The counter is %d", counter);

// Declare and initialize an int pointer that "points" to the address of `counter` variable
int* counter_ptr = &counter;
printf("Counter address is at %p", counter_ptr);


The length of the value of the pointer on x86 (32-bit, 8 hex) systems is 4 bytes whereas on x64 (64-bit, 16 hex) systems. The size of a pointer depends on the size of the machine's CPU general purpose register (i.e. eax)

Dereferencing operator (*)

The dereferencing operator (*) is a unary operator that retrieves the object to which the pointer points to. (The inverse of the address-of operator)

int counter{22};
int* counter_address = &counter;

// Get the value of counter via it's pointer
printf("The value of counter: %d\n", *counter_address); // -> 22
printf("counter address is: %p\n", counter_address); 

// Modify the value of an object via dereferenced pointer
*counter_address = 44;
printf("The value of counter: %d\n", *counter_address); // -> 44
printf("counter address is: %p\n", counter_address); // same as last address


Think of dereferencing as "get me the value of the object, not its memory address"

Member-of-Pointer operator (->)

The member-of-pointer operator does two operations:

  • It dereferences a pointer
  • It accesses a member of the pointed-to object
struct Phone {
    bool blocked{false};

int main() {
    Phone phone{};
    Phone *phone_ptr = ☎
    printf("Is phone blocked: %d\n", phone_ptr->blocked);

    // Use the member-of-operator to access the object and modify its member
    phone_ptr->blocked = true;
    printf("Is phone blocked: %d\n", phone_ptr->blocked);

    // The hard way - dereference and access
    printf("Is phone blocked: %d\n", (*phone_ptr).blocked);

Pointers and arrays

Pointers and arrays have a lot of similarities. Pointers encode object addresses, whereas arrays encode the location and length of contiguous objects.

An array can decay into a pointer very easily. A decayed array loses length information and becomes a pointer to the first element in the array.

int my_array[]{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
int* my_array_ptr = my_array;

Here's an example of the ease in which an array can decay into a pointer:

struct Book { 
    int year{};

    Book(int year) {
        this->year = year;

void print_year(Book* book_ptr) {
    printf("Book year: %d\n", book_ptr->year);

int main() {
    Book books[]{ Book(1999), Book(2000), Book(2001)};

Pointer arithmetic


Pointer arithmetic is the set of rules for addition and subtraction on pointers

To get the n-th element of an array, you have to perform some pointer arithmetic.

Two options:

First approach is with square brackets with address-of (&) operator

Book* third_book_ptr = &books[2];

Second approach is to use arithmetic

Book* third_book_ptr = books + 2;

void and std::byte Pointers

When the pointed-to type is irrelevant, you can use the void* pointer. It can never be dereferenced since there is no underlying type to point to.

void pointer arithmetic is forbidden, impossible for a void pointer to have any offsets.

When you want to interact with raw memory at byte level, like copying data between files you can use a std::byte pointer

nullptr and Booleans

Pointers can have a special value of nullptr -- a pointer that doesn't point to anything. Used for indicating that there is no more memory left to allocate

Pointers have an implicit conversion to bool -- any pointer that points to something is true while a nullptr is false